What is the Best Temperature for the Swimming Pool?
Sure. There are people who LOVE to Polar Bear Plunge in frigid temps and there are those who love a good hot springs! However, what temp should your swimming pool be? Certainly, varying degrees of water temperatures can surely have major effects on your body.
When it’s TOO Hot
Did you know that athletes such as Olympic swimmers and synchronized swimmers actually have their pool temps set to a toasty 77 to 82 degrees? This is because warmer water actually helps the body to perform at its endurance without causing shocks to the system. However, if the water gets too much hotter, to even 84 degrees or more, it can cause serious problems such as trapping body heat which causes muscle spasms. This is dangerous as swimmers don’t realize the over exertion is happening and they could die.
When it’s TOO Cold
Don’t take a polar bear diver’s word for it. Cold water swimming isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. Cold water can become trouble for you fast. Your body reacts to it with a “fight or flight” reaction. The invigorating feeling that happens when you’re in cold water is actually your body in shock. This can cause irregular heart rhythms in healthy individuals and cardiac arrest in individuals with heart issues.
Additionally, the extreme constriction of blood vessels as your body struggles to keep its organs warm can cause people to gasp and inhale water in attempt to deal with their freezing surroundings. This can occur in water that’s below 70 degrees, as water wicks away body heat much faster than the air.
When the Pool is Perfect
Your pool water should be comfortable and relaxing enough to exercise in or play. When it comes to water being too hot or too cold, take a page out of Goldilocks’ book on porridge. … 77 to 82 degrees is juuussst RIGHT!