P.O. Box 1881 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405

Open : Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 6:00PM

Open : Sat - Sun 9:00AM - 3:00PM

Asking yourself the question, “how often should a pool be cleaned?” has many answers to it. Pool maintenance is an involved task that sometimes deters homeowners from the desire of having a pool.

Pool maintenance must be done daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally. You need to make sure you are observant of the condition of your pool and if you hire a pool service, check in to make sure they are performing the maintenance properly.

How Often Should a Pool Be Cleaned?

Pool Maintenance

You want to keep your pool clean. This is the biggest facHow Often Should a Pool Be Cleaned?tor in helping you avoid larger pool repairs. Spot cleaning and clearing debris make a big difference. There is equipment you can buy to help with this upkeep, but as always it can break, so you need to make sure your equipment is running efficiently for you.

Extreme Weather Conditions

If you live in an area that has extreme weather like we do in Lake Havasu, Arizona, or perhaps an unusual storm or heat wave came through, you might be required to do additional shock treatments as needed.

Cleaning Pumps and Skimmers

You need to keep your pool cleaning pumps clean themselves. This needs to be done on a consistent basis and you want to watch the pressure levels. To times per season, you need to clean your pumps thoroughly. You need to clean them out completely by opening them up. Sometimes this is a daily task depending on the season. You can safely swim in your pool with the pump off for a few days but it is recommended that it should always be continuously running.

Do You Change Pool Water?

Due to the extreme heat, pool water evaporates fast in Arizona, making minerals and chemicals more dense in your pool water. Combined with the hard tap water in Lake Havasu City and Mohave County Arizona, we recommend you change your pool water or Drain and Fill your pool water, once a year after the summer storm and monsoon season. When it is time to change the pool water, you want to do this when the weather is mild and there is no risk of extreme heat or strong sunlight. Besides the water, you also need to clean your pool filter every 3 to 6 months. Everclear pool service is available for pool water drain and fill service and regularly scheduled maintenance including pool filter cleaning.

So, How Often Should a Pool Be Cleaned?

The answer to this question is determined by where you live and what the season is but if you are looking for the best answer then it is every day! If you own a pool there is really something to be done every day or at least something to be keeping an eye on. It takes time and attention. This increases the overall life and usability of your pool.

Even if you are capable of keeping up with your pool maintenance on your own, you might find that it is overwhelming because of the time it takes. If you are looking for professional help and advice, we would love to get in contact with you.

For more information on pool maintenance in Lake Havasu City, AZ, contact us!

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